Not wild in the sense of happening in the bush. Nor wild in the sense of crazy. Just wild in the sense of an explosion of interest. For example:
- the Austrian government has announced a national climate assembly;
- Germany's second nationwide sortition-based citizens' assembly, on "Germany's Role in the World" (see video below), handed over its report to the Bundestag last month.
- the UK government has announced a (sortition selected) Public Advisory Group "to inform new policies to help England come out of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic" (and yes, we are doing the selection);
- the Cantabrian (Spain) regional government is using sortition to discuss "a fair and inclusive ecological transition";
- Devon County Council (UK) is holding a 70-person climate assembly, starting in a few months time;
- not to mention the many local councils in Australia, including Mornington, Lane Cove, Greater Dandenong, Bayside, Kingston holding sortition panels... and the list goes on...
And this is just the smallest tip of an immense iceberg of sortition events happening around the world. Democratic transformation here we come!