Katya Demushkina


Katya is an Independent Director at the Sortition Foundation and serves as an Advisor and Deputy Director for Europe at the Institute for Economics and Peace, where she works with the Europe and MENA team to drive a transformative shift in global perceptions of peace.

Her experience spans strategy consulting and public-private partnerships. She has contributed to UNICEF’s partnership team in NYC and led the ILO's Global Business Network for Social Protection. Before joining IEP, Katya was part of the World Economic Forum’s and Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, where she led the Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship—a global platform to support the entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Katya holds an MPA from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs and also a previous Master's in Social and Cultural Anthropology. When not working, she enjoys reading books about anthropology and watching new and old movies.

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