08 September, 2022

For politics to work for people like us, it has to include people like us

As the (northern hemisphere) summer finishes we have been working with our partners on a slew of upcoming citizens' assemblies and deliberative processes, namely:



However, although we love helping run citizens' assemblies, our main passion and raison d'être is to see these assemblies get real power: for politics to work for people like us, it has to include people like us.


That's why, in the next few months, you'll be hearing more from us as we build the campaign to replace the UK's antiquated House of Lords with a House of Citizens.


Other highlights and recent news includes the official release of Political System Reform: A Messaging Guide, a view from the future in Looking back from 2050 and some citizens' assembly recruitment intersectionality analysis. If, instead, you'd prefer to sit back, relax and watch some short inspiring videos then we have collected some recent citizens' assembly videos for you.


Enjoy, and thanks for your ongoing support!


P.S. To help us build the movement to transform politics faster, become a Friend of the Sortition Foundation now!


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